My Story

My name is Mark. As an early teenager, I remember having a cousin who was always into the latest and greatest car fads. I never understood his interest. I remember telling myself "I'm not like other boys. I don't find cars interesting" Perhaps it was my childish way of trying to tell the world that I was different. Perhaps it was my attempt to actually be different.

Perhaps it was all for naught.

After all that, one math degree and 15 some odd years later, I find myself working as a collision estimator. Funny how the world works sometimes! While I'm here, may as well make the most of it!

This blog will be my attempt to track my journey through this strange autobody repair world I find myself suddenly a part of. You may enjoy it if you find yourself in the same boat as me. Or maybe you're just one of those car boys that I apparently could never escape. Either way, please enjoy!